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Water....Friend or Foe

To drink or not to drink… that is the question.  As many of you know, the first words you usually hear after a massage/therapy is “don’t forget to...

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Fall Gardening: How to avoid injury

       The changing seasons are beautifully anticipated by many. The trees begin to turn, fall flowers enchant us with their colorful combinations and...

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Why Do Joints Crack?

I sometimes hear from patients: “I can’t stand that cracking sound” or “When I hear that cracking sound, I think that you’re breaking my bones”...

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Relief From Sciatica

Relief from Sciatica If there’s an irritation of your sciatic nerve, you’ll be the first to know!  Pain is the language your body speaks when...

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Today is a Gift

Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid...